Each teacher has their own educational philosophy. I am grateful for the education I have received from elementary school until present. Each teacher has impacted me in different ways, and some have influenced the way I see education. As a child, I always was amazed at my teachers. I always wondered how they knew EVERYTHING, and of course, if they lived at school. I always felt a sense of love when I was at school. I always had fun, and couldn't wait to go to school the next day to see my teachers! School is one huge learning experience. I believe all teachers need to have passion when it comes to their job. Teaching is a very passionate career. I will have a very important job, which is shaping the minds of young children, and inspire them to be the best person they can, through teaching. When I think about my educational philosophy, I automatically think of PASSION. My philosophy of education is passion driven. To be a teacher means to shape the minds of young individuals. Teaching is passion driven. I didn't wake up one morning and decide I wanted to a be a teacher. It didn't dawn on me until 11th grade in my US History class. I had such an amazing teacher, and he was so passionate about what he taught. It made learning so much fun! I know that teaching is such a demanding, tiring, and challenging field. But it is also inspiring, amazing, and rewarding. My main goal of teaching is to engage my students, have fun, and encourage them, this way they want to learn!
I will find ways to accommodate each and every one of my students. I know every child learns differently, that is why I will differentiate my instruction this way I reach the needs of all my students. Some students may work better in groups, some students may work better independently, and some students may work better with my support. No matter what the student needs, I will be sure to provide them with instruction that is best for them. When it comes to teaching it is important that teachers share their knowledge with their students. Teachers have to be educated to the point that they have to share all their knowledge. This allows students to learn and is important because you are their basis for education which leads to their future. Teachers need to have compassion and be approachable. Along with having compassion and being approachable teachers need to be loving, caring, understanding, good communicator, and an even better listener.

As a new teacher, I will be sure to incorporate everything I learned from this course. The 5 principles of Powerful Teaching which are, the role of inquiry, cooperative learning, educating young citizens, and problem-solving/ critical thinking skills. I think incorporating these 5 principles of Powerful Teaching will make me an amazing teacher. I will make my activities that are during class time engaging, interactive, and value-based along with collaborative. These activities will allow students to follow Bloom's Taxonomy and will allow students to think in a critical manner. When teaching Social studies I will incorporate technology, artifacts, WebQuests, treasure hunts, presentations that require problem-solving skills, and inquiry. Students will not learn if teachers just slam facts, dates, information, names, and graphic-organizers. Social Studies should be taught in an interactive, engaging, encouraging, loving environment.